(As usual, I researched a couple of recipes online before starting.)
Here's What I Did:
- Pudding -
1/2 can of cranberry gel stuff
1 box of non-instant Flan (4 servings)
2 cups of cold milk
1 loaf of dry bread
- Sauce -
1/2 can of cranberry gel stuff
confectioner's sugar
- Whipped Cream -
whipping cream
confectioner's sugar
(optional, because I will not judge you if you prefer Cool Whip or spray whip cream. I only made this because I had the cream handy)
0) Preheat over to 350 degrees
1) Put 1/2 of cranberry gel in a small saucepan and add the milk.
2) Over low heat, whisk together until mostly combined.
3) Whisk in flan powder until combined.
4) Turn the heat up to low medium and bring to a boil, stirring frequently.
5) While waiting for the pudding to boil, butter the sides of a small loaf pan.
6) Break down the loaf of bread into bite-size chunks and place in the loaf pan.
7) Once the pudding has reached a boil, pour it over the bread chunks.
8) Bake for 45-60 minutes.

9) Place the other half of the gel in another small saucepan.
10) Over low heat, add confectioners sugar and vodka to taste (I wound up using about a 1/4 cup of each), stirring constantly.
11) Bring it to a boil and boil for about a minute, stirring frantically.
Optional 12) Beat 1 cup of cream in a cold bowl.
Optional 12.5) As cream starts to stiffen, add confectioner's sugar to taste
13) Serve pudding in slices, liberally covered in sauce and cream.

How'd It Go?
Surprisingly well, considering I've never, ever made bread pudding before. I felt like the pudding absorption was kind of inconsistent, so the texture varied throughout the slice in a way I didn't love, but it was definitely tasty. And the sauce was deemed awesome by Mr. Husband.
What Would I Change?
- I think a vanilla pudding might have gone a little better with the cranberries than the flan.
- More of the pudding probably would've solved my texture issue, so next time I'll kick it up to the 6 serving sized box.
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